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Coronavirus Information


I can’t tell you how excited I am to be able to offer face to face classes again. In order to be COVID Secure, things will be a little different, understandably, but we are still going to have lots of musical fun in our Jolly Babies/Music with Mummy/Three Four Time classes whilst providing a safe environment for you and your little ones.  The following information is currently up-to-date, however it may change going forward dependant on Government guidance. 

Upon arrival

  • I will be letting you in a few minutes before class starts. Please wait in a line socially distanced at the entrance to your venue (or you can wait in your car if at your venue, I can see you) until I collect you.

  • You will need to wash or sanitise your hands before entering our room. If you are able to bring hand sanitiser with you that would be much appreciated, but I will have some if not.

  • I will have marked out places with my own mats on the floor to create a station for you. Please bring a small clean blanket to place on top of my mat to sit on, that will then be your station to ensure social distancing guidelines are observed.

  • When you reach your station you and your little one will please need to remove your shoes.

  • I would also ask everyone to bring the bare minimum into class, leave as much as you can in your car.

Venues & Locations

Kings Church Beverley – In the main hall.

Beverley Cricket Club - In the main clubhouse.

All Saints Church Hall, Hessle - In the room upstairs to the left

Walkington Village Hall – In the main hall.

During Class

  • We will have a maximum of 10 children per class. I will also need to count in any siblings. You will require my prior consent if you need to bring any other siblings, even if they are babies. 

  • One adult per paying child. You will need my priory consent should you wish to bring along a second adult.

  • I will be wearing a plastic visor and current guidance states you will need to wear a face covering. However, this is venue specific and I am awaiting confirmation from each venue as to whether or not this will be compulsory. I will advise of any updates as soon as I can. It isn't necessary for your children to wear masks.

  • You and your little one will need to remain at your station throughout the class to ensure we remain socially distanced.

  • Please bring your kit-bags to class. I will also be providing additional instruments in class as and when required. These items will be sanitised between classes and after each use as per the COVID guidelines.

Time to leave

  • Before leaving, I will ask you to wash hands/apply hand sanitiser.

  • I will show you the way out and would ask you to leave as swiftly as possible, just to ease the movement of people around the building and to help with social distancing.

In General

  • Before attending class, you should have completed a GDPR, Photo Consent and Registration Form with your contact details on.  I will need this should I be required to use the NHS Test and Trace protocol. 

  • If anyone else brings your child to class, please let me know in advance as I will need their full name and contact details.

  • Please do not come to class if you or your child have any of the following symptoms

    • a high temperature

    • a new, continuous cough

    • a loss or change to your sense of smell or taste

  • Please do not bring food or drink into the class, except baby/toddler bottle.​

In the circumstances of a local/national lockdown or if face to face classes are unable to continue due to other reasons relating to COVID-19, your booked class will continue online via Zoom for the duration of the effected period. Unfortunately we are unable to refund or carry forward classes in these circumstances.

I appreciate there is a lot of information here, but it is completely necessary in order for me to keep you all safe. If there’s anything at all you’d like to ask me, please don't hesitate to get in touch.

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